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just a story about stars, dresses, kids, hope and dreams...
A long long time ago, there was a place where people didn’t have stories and was ruled by darkness. In that place lived abandoned children, lacking in love and kindless... Children that worked during the day and at night didn’t have a home to go to, didn’t have a roof to sleep under but had millions of stars to look up to, dream and imagine all they lacked, gathered around fireplaces to warm themselves and dream of the stories the elders had long forbidden and had sent to the stars. One day one of the children decided to go to the stars and ask for their stories back, so that night all of the children collected all the ropes that existed to try to grab a cloud. From that cloud they laced the moon and the child went there hoping to recover the stories they dreamed and imagined. When the child reached the moon he/she looked for traces of human life, looked for the stories and was amazed to find the star IRUWA (he who saw the world (ibo of Nigeria)). On it was an old man with a chair, a sewing machine, lots of fabrics. The child had never seen so many fabrics with colours he/she never had imagined but sadly didn’t find the stories. Still, he/she decided to talk to the old men and said he/she had come from Earth and was looking for the stories, since they where their only joy and all his/her friends where counting on him/her. The old man laughed and told the child he/she was looking at al the stories that had been banned, gave him/her a chest full of dresses and children clothes and said: - Take this chest with all these clothes for your friends; then you’ll understand and find what you long for… The child didn’t understand what he/she had heard but went back to join the other children that waited eagerly to find out how it had been in the stars and wanted to listen to all the stories. When they saw a chest packed with clothes they didn’t understand where were the stories; and the child simply replied put them on. After getting dressed nothing happened so they went to work as usual, hopeless. At night, they gathered around the fireplace, looked at the stars with their new colourful clothes and suddenly started to listen to the stories that came out of them. They were very happy, never felt alone or sad anymore and the darkness that had ruled their land finally vanished.
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