The 2ª edition is focus on
girls, women, girls...
But after the dramatic situatin with fires in Portugal (15th October),
the exhibition was revised and we also looking for people here.

An exhibition by two projects and many hands
Based on concepts of sustainability, students of Fashion Design at the University of Beira Interior and Furniture Design of Polytechnic Institute of Viseu transformed scholarly work on concrete projects!
The exhibition was made with these works and other activities were added, such as a video produced about the process.

"xi-heart" is a term
much of Portugal!
An expression
verry affectionate,
so true, sound and cozy
which means HUG!

music and soul soundscape
Water comes in like a uterus metaphor, hosting and renewal. The percussion instigates emotions. The childish laugh is the necessary desconcentraitons, lightness and strength to dream and live!
a bedtime' story
A group of students designed the immaterial creating a story that portrays our project and all those that illuminate different skies and smiles...
People with heart
and motivation
A lot of people participated on this project: students, professors, professional volunteers and supporters …

"We're not just sending dresses,
we're sending hope"
ONG Little Dresses for Africa